Mancano due settimane al tanto atteso ritorno da headliner dei Simple Plan in Italia! La band canadese sarà sul palco del Fabrique di Milano il 25 gennaio a ben sette anni di distanza dal loro Continue Reading
Mayday Parade
Simple Plan back to Switzerland on January with State Champs and Mayday Parade
After an unstoppable run started last June with European festivals, Simple Plan will return to Switzerland for an headlining show on January 24th. The Canadian band will perform this time at Les Docks in Lausanne, with friends Continue Reading
Hard As Rock Tour, Simple Plan back to Wien!
“Hard As Rock Tour” will bring back in Europe a lot of pop punk music: Simple Plan, State Champs and Mayday Parade! The Europe tour will stops in Wien at Gasometer on 30 January 2024! Continue Reading
Mayday Parade: “Adesso c’è una fiducia tra di noi che prima mancava”
Il 9 ottobre è uscito “Black Lines“, il loro nuovo album. I Mayday Parade sono uno dei gruppi più affermati nella scena pop-punk, con un sound molto personale e un seguito fedelissimo. Il 13 Continue Reading
Mayday Parade: “Now there’s a confidence to us that we lacked before”
Their last album “Black Lines” came out on October 9, and they’re gonna to celebrate their 10th career’s anniversary. Mayday Parade are one of the most famous band in the pop punk scene and they’ll come Continue Reading